Competition Laws, Mergers & Acquisition

Competition Laws, Mergers & Acquisition

We exhibit fluent knowledge of procedural rules and legal systems and our advocates have a good firsthand track record of dealing and achieving results in; Competition investigations and inquiries, mergers and acquisitions, regulatory proceedings before the Fair Competition Commission, the Fair Competition Tribunal, EWURA, SUMATRA, TCRA and high profile private antitrust lawsuits before the High Court (Commercial Division and the Main Division) and the Court of Appeal of Tanzania.
This department also houses regulatory lawyers who have offered services to a wide range of local and international clients in the area of Tobacco (both downstream and upstream), Telecommunication, Energy, Water, Transport, and Maritime among others. We understand that compliance to the regulatory regime is important to the sustainability of a business. We usually work closely with the regulatory authorities in identifying the specific sector risks and advise our clients on how to manage such risks. In this regard, we boast a strong relationship with regulatory authorities in Tanzania.